
Appendix? No Thanks.

I'm not part of that scene anymore. I'll take my drugs and go home now. Ms. Nguyen and I that is.

This is wonderful though. All eight minutes of it. Looks like they picked up some childs safety scissors and a wood burning kit from wal-mart.


krs10 said...

Oh, yes, I had a lovely Valentine's Day, thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

Speaking from a strict medical perspective in which all subjectivity is laid to rest and purely operational methods of observation are utilized, I have come to the unwavering position that what I just witnessed was fucked up on a level that is nearly incalculable.

E T C said...

This is me... puking. A lot. Again.

krs10 said...

It was fun. I especially liked the part where they melt through most of it and try to rip the rest off. That's my favorite. I bet it smells like sausages.