
People Who Can Get Bitchslapped

I'm a mild mannered guy. Completely non-violent. However when the situation calls for it (blockparty beatdown?) and suddenly you feel like murdering an entire schoolbus full of catholic school children, I'd have one of the following people within arms reach to vent my frustrations (if god really loved me that is).


That is all, continue.


Anonymous said...


illllllllllllli said...

Fuck you and your Kima hating ass.

Gregory Hubacek said...

13. Marc Ecko
14. Perez Hilton
15. Some Jersey Guido dude

And if you haven't seen episode 59 of the wire, you can reserve your hate for my hate of Kima.

Gregory Hubacek said...

I meant



Still the right person(s) though.

illllllllllllli said...

I've seen it all, so my hate is back on.

Gregory Hubacek said...

How on earth can you still ride for Kima after that? She ratted out her department. She went against the great blue wall of silence. You remember in Season 1 when she got shot? Everybody in the department was behind her. What about when she laid out Bodie in the row houses? Not to mention her and McNutty have covered for each other's indiscretions for years, now all of a sudden she has a conscience about shit? Fuck that. Kima's a bitch. She's just mad that she's been on a goose chase for a while. Doesn't excuse her actions.

illllllllllllli said...

Trying to keep the news out of the papers for a second, even he knows this is absolutely out of control. You got a beef with Bunk, too, just because he didn't want to get into such deep shit? If anyone needs a slap, it's Michael for that alley nonsense. "Get there early" my ass. Or that punk ass bald headed little kid.

Jesus. They're still fictional characters, right? I think I need to see this finale already.

Gregory Hubacek said...

Nah, Bunk's the shit. Got no beef there. He's "natural po-leece". Michael deserves no bitchslaps at all. I knew snoop was gonna go. Glad to see it done. And Kenard's that dude. Burning cats one minute, shootin' Omar the next, all in a day's work for an eleven year old.

Yes, they're still fictional. Just like Sawyer and Locke and that damn floaty cloud thing.