
A Favor

Hello, Shitizens--

I am presenting at an ESL conference on the 12th, and I could use some help.

My presentation is on quick writing activities for ESL students. I'd like to show the attendees different ways to use post cards as writing prompts. I need to have some post cards sent to me, with typical (or not so typical, but ok for a conference/ESL student) postcard writing on them. The post cards can be from anywhere, and if you were to buy a postcard for the occasion, I can reimburse you for postage and cost (it's probably less than a dollar for a post card and a stamp though...). I'd like to get more than just my writing on the damn things, and the stamp/random writing makes them more authentic.

I'd throw a post card writing party this weekend, but I'll be in Omaha (another good post card opportunity). If you can help me out on this, you get a ton of gratitude.

231 W 33rd St Apt. 2
Mpls, MN 55408


Aaron said...

Don't deaf people have enough opportunities?

Aaron said...


Anna Nimh said...

ESL=English as a Second Language