Questions and Notes, Resolved or Unresolved, Regarding Determinism
Given absolute determination, what is the effect on a system, of the adequate awareness of that determinism?
Given a partial determination, where it is constitutionally unclear which events are determined or not, what is the effect of an awareness of determinism?
Given a partial determination, where it is clear which events are determined or not, what is the effect of an awareness of determinism?
Given a totally non-determined system, what is the effect of an hypothesis of determinism?
What is the effect of inability to concieve a non-material, non-practical or non-relational substance, that is, outside of material and force, on the possibility of will? What is the style of realism in various determinisms?
Is it possible for me to have a non-deterministic position?
Is the Spinozan, Heideggerian, Nietzschean position of aligning a pseudo-dualistic mental substance with the absolutely determined material, in the Nietzscheo-Spinozan sense, to "will only what is necessary", can this position be made coherent with the determinism to which it is a response? Doesn't determinism move further, relying as it does on a mono-plane of existence?
What is the role of forgetting, how complete a power is it? What would a fault or non-faculty look like?
What is the effect of mechanical failure? Obviously determination doesn't consider an idealized, working body, but that of the unworking body is determined also. What about probabilistic failures? Probability is given, particularly in the use and misuse of quantum descriptions, to represent available freedoms. Is this silly, because that a shift occurs or a probability is assigned is irrelevant to the willing of one probability or another, that is, the antique religious notion, or is it silly because probability can only capture the state of perception, not the state of the material objects?
These suggest that determinism refuses refutation by traditional metaphysical claims, is the power between things considered "caused", even if those causes are outside knowledge or possible knowledge. Can it be overcome by mere "amor"?
If determination is metaphysics, existing as the cause of causes, growing whenever prodded by questioning or analysis, will falls neatly into the mystical-religious, a diminishing infinity of possible locations that insists itself existing yet disappearing everywhere it is sought. Does this suggest that determination or will is just a bad question?
What is the name for the knowledge of a cause as a thing interacting with the cause itself? Examples: Marxism on Capitalism, sentience and then meaning giving practices occurring in a scientific universe, Psychoanalysis as a hypothesis, the "Empirico-Transcendental doublet" of human finitude.
Is it important that the knowledge relate to itself, or is it merely a "knowledge effect of a being" that occurs?
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